Alignment and Building a Spiritually Based Business

People who are engaged in different spiritual disciplines or practices have one thing in common. Alignment.

They may talk about it differently, they may work with it differently, and they may experience it differently, but the bottom line is, that in one way or another they are serving others in their quest to live life from their natural state of peace and calm or from the true essence of who they are. They are working with others to become Aligned with the Universe.

What do I mean by Alignment? Alignment to me is who we are. Pure awareness. It is a state of being, where the head and the heart are on the same page. The head and the heart work together, with the universe…. observing and embodying the divine plan as it unfolds.

It is a state of being where emotionally you feel calm and peaceful, a sense of neutrality or of being in the flow. Physically you may feel light, flexible, and flowy. Behaviourally, you are drawn to what to do next, like an intuitive call is coming from within.

You become a tuning fork for the Universe. You are open, allowing the Universe to work through you, as you into what you do, and, your head is in Alignment with that.

Alternatively, being out of Alignment means that your head and heart are not working together. Instead, your head or brain operates alone, usually on automatic pilot and using only the information from your past.

Therefore, there are no new ideas or divine guidance being processed. Instead, the only information gathered through your past, usually, your negative past is considered and used to determine your responses or movement forward.

If you want to explore Alignment and its importance to building a successful, spiritually-based business you need to explore what a successful, spiritually-based business looks like.

What does a successful spiritually-based business look like to you?

What are the benchmarks you would need to hit for your spiritually-based business to be considered successful?

Do you need to make a certain amount of money?

Do you need to have a certain number of people at your classes?

Do you need to have a waiting list?

Do you need to have your bills paid?

Do you need to help people? How many people do you need to help to be considered successful?

Do you need to have a guest appearance on Oprah?

Do you need to have a book published?

Do you need to be admired? Respected? Receive an award?

Do you need to have 10,000 followers on social media?

This list could go on and on. This list would be different for every person because the answers would be coming from your unique and often limiting or negative experiences of the past. From a state of non-alignment.

How do I know that? If your benchmarks of success are determined by outside circumstances then those benchmarks were created from the state of non-alignment.

You see, in Alignment you don't need to achieve, acquire, develop, or become, anything more than you already are in the moment to be successful.

Success is not determined by something outside of you but instead, success is who you are before you look outward.


Imagine if you made Alignment your highest priority. That would mean that moment to moment you would be open to divine guidance, new ideas, and insights. You would be opening yourself up to the divine plan.


Imagine sitting down and building a business from there.

Imagine living life moment to moment from that state of being.

You would be able to recognize the gifts in each moment, develop skills and talents that would otherwise go undeveloped, connect with people that may have gone unnoticed, and expand and grow beyond your mind’s limitations.

But wait a minute you might be thinking. Can't I set goals for my business? Is it not possible to be Aligned, and manifest a successful business by working toward those goals? Isn't that what the Law of Attraction is all about?


In Alignment, your goal setting is Divinely inspired and that wisdom will flow into all that do, not just your business.

You can be in Alignment, in a state of peace and calm, and develop a spiritually-based business.

You can be out of Alignment, in a state of stress, and develop a spiritually-based business.

But, your experience…. your belief that you are successful or not successful while developing a spiritually-based business would be determined by your state of Alignment and not the state of your business itself.

If you're like me, I spent a lot of time ensuring I was in Alignment when I was working with others but I didn't put the same amount of effort into ensuring I was in Alignment when I was working on myself or for me.

When I made Alignment my only goal, not only did my business thrive but so did my relationships and life is just way more fun. It took the pressure off I didn't have to control what was happening outside of me to feel good or successful on the inside.

Isn't it about time that you provide the same experience for yourself that you do for your clients?

Isn't it time that you make Alignment your number one priority so that you can move through the world from your natural state of peace and calm, from the true essence of who you are?

Isn't it time for all of us to recognize that we are already successful just because we were born and nothing is required outside of us to feel and recognize that?

Everyone is already successful. In an Aligned state, we would all recognize that. We would be open and focused in on all the amazing things that we do or have already done successfully.

What can you do to build a business that is divinely inspired?

  1. Make alignment your number one priority
  1. Check to see if you are in Alignment before you work on your business
  1. Focus in on how you are already successful

Therefore, the only thing keeping you from having a successful spiritually-based business are your thoughts that you don't yet have one.